- The 16th?
- Yeah, the list. And you?
Nah, cavalry.
- Where do you want it?
- Thank you.
lnside the door.
Thank you, Corporal.
ls this your building?
ls this some sort of club?
- I sell art.
- ln here?
- Uh-huh. ls that a portfolio?
- Yeah.
Fork it over,
let's take a look.
What's your market then?
- Mostly modern stuff.
- Oh, modern.
Like uh...
next time I have diarrhea
l'll take a shit on a canvas
and bring it round to you, huh?
You could do worse.
l certainly wouldn't
reject it out of hand,
l'm open to everything.
Would you like a cigarette?
They give you
cancer of the lung.
Are you a doctor?.
Hello, darling.
Liselore von Peltz,
this is Corporal--
Adolf Hitler.
Thank you for coming.
- ls she your wife?
- My wife's inside.
- You're a funny one.
- Come in.
- Have a glass of champagne.
- I don't drink.