
l suppose what l'm trying
to say is

you have to go as deep
as you possibly can.

Then you have
to gather yourself

and say, "Okay, I just broke
the surface deeper still."

You know, Rothman...
when I came back
from this war,

l came back to nothing.
Really nothing.
No homeland,
no home,
no parents,
no family,

no fiancee,
no profession,
no job,

no food,
no closet full of...
old hockey sticks
and tennis rackets.

Not even an address.
All I have in this world
is the conviction
that I am a great artist
and a master builder.
And you just stole
from that.

From the one thing
that's mine--
a rich boy like you.
So, if art as an object
is dead,

why is everything
so expensive?

Otherwise nobody would buy it.
Soldier #1:
You Bolshie bastard.

Fucking communist.
Soldier #2:
Fucking comrade communist.

Soldier #1: Bastard.
Soldier #2: Bolshie.
