- What are they saying?
- Versailles.
Give us back our land!
They're saying Versailles.
"Here are the terms
of the treaty of Versailles.
Germany is to cede
Alsace-Lorraine to France--"
"--Upper Silesia and West
Prussia to Poland."
- Poland?
- "The army will be reduced to 100,000 men.
France will occupy
the Rhineland
for the next 15 years
and Germany will assume a war
debt of 20 million gold marks."
There aren't 20 million marks
in this entire country.
Germany is to sign
a so-called war guilt clause
in which she assumes
sole responsibility
for the war."
l'm ashamed to be German today.
- Hey.
- Hey.
There's a meeting
down the street.
l didn't serve,
l just played the market.
l lost my arm in the crash.
Come on, brother.