She's called lsabel. She's French.
She's an actress.
We got nettle rash together.
She's incredible.
She wears capri pants
and recites Racine in bed.
-What's that?
"Racine in bed."
She heals my wounds.
But she's gone back
to Paris for an audition.
I know you'll love her.
She's madder than you.
Anyway, I'll send you a postcard
of the Eiffel Tower.
"Love, Nat. P.S.--"
Oh, hi.
...send Holly my love.
All right then. Yeah. See you later.
-Rob. He works at the Union Bar.
-He's chubby, but he's quite street.
-All right. Come on. Let's go.
-Nat sounds happy, doesn't he?
I wish something exciting
would happen.
Are my eyelashes still on?
Rimbaud, Baudelaire, Verlaine...
...nothing that a good course
of antidepressants couldn't cure...
...or maybe 25 years in psychoanalysis.
"Why should we be subjected...
...to their mother-fixated
outpourings?" you ask.
"We get enough of that
from our boyfriends." Right?
Remember now, it's just as relevant...
...to talk about Lou Reed
or Adam Ant in your essay.
Precisely what Barthes said in the '50s
and what Baudrillard is saying now.