Me Without You

So questions?
Yes. The young lady
in the green sweater.

Do you think that a deconstructive
approach to literary criticism...

...that it leads to a cooler,
less emotional response in the reader?

Good. That's an interesting one, isn't it?
That is the question.
What's your name?

-Holly Rossman.
-Holly. Holly, very good.

The thing about critical theory
that is important to remember...

-Holly. Holly Rossman.
-...the role the unconscious plays in it.

Socialist Worker.
-Stuart, not now.

We've got to go do
some work with our tutor.

Holly, come on.
Socialist Worker.
You know I was kidding about
Adam Ant, right? Don't do that to me.

Right, but it is so important
to have a visceral reaction to the text.

-But that's so reductive.
-Oh, absolutely.

No, it's not. It's the emotion
expressed that really matters.

Do you know Tarkovsky?
It's like Tarkovsky.

I love Tarkovsky.
Do you?
Oh, he's my favorite director.
Tarkovsky and Bergman.

I'm reading Bergman's
autobiography now.

Really? Oh, my God, so am l.
Great song.
You know, I've gotta figure out
where to get my drugs from over here.

I can get you some coke,
if you like. No probs.

Do you know Nostalgia?
-That's my favorite Tarkovsky.
-Yes, it would be. She likes brooding.

It's on her CV.
Hobbies: suffering and brooding.

-lsn't it, Holl?
-I love brooding.

-You must be Jewish.

We had better go to semiotics.
Holly, are you coming?

-You guys gotta get to class?

-Another drink?

-God, what a wanker.
-I know.

-He fancies himself so much.
-Oh, poser.
