I pulled a lot of strings
to get you assigned to my prison.
I'm sorry.
I'm just not your man.
We'll stick a pin in it for now.
Mr. Burton, a quick word if I may.
I've spent a fortune
on this team for no return.
I am the coach of this team.
With the amount of money...
that I've spent, we should have
bloody won the World Cup by now.
You cannot put a prisoner
in charge of the guards' team.
Just get it done, please.
I wouldn't get too close, miss.
You're not dangerous,
are you, Mr. Footballer?
Only if you've got the ball, miss.
Get out!
Hey, Danny boy,
I can get you anything.
Anything that's not on the menu.
Know what I mean?
Is that stink you, Meehan?
Don't you poke me again.
Don't you start growing
a spine, footballer.
Hands behind your neck, Meehan!
Hands behind your neck!
Hands behind your neck!
Bitch, shut up!
Hands behind your neck, Meehan!
You bitch!
Let go! Let go, Meehan!
Let go of the baton, Meehan!
Let go of the baton, Meehan!
Pack it in.
Pack it in.