It's a fuckin' disgrace,
if you ask me.
Meehan fraternizing
with that shower of shit.
What do you want, Tompkinson?
I was thinking.
Now, I know
I know that I can help you,
Mr. Ratchett, sir, you know.
Information and all.
Blah, blah. Whatever.
Help yourself, more like.
I'm sick of this place.
I need to get a transfer.
Yeah? HMP Silver Sands.
Away from the influence
of all these criminals, sir.
You keep me posted.
Oh, look.
A monkey learning new tricks.
Why don't you just
leave me alone, man?
Because I don't like
uppity coons, that's why.
Listen, man.
No, you listen!
You animal.
You callin' me a fuckin' animal?
I'll open you up
like a tin of fuckin' beans!
Hey, stop him!
Someone stop him!
When did you get balls big enough
to fuck with me, you fuckin' scum?
Mass, are you all right? Christ,
he needs a doctor! Get a doctor!
That fuckin' Meehan.