I used to be able
to piss in one go...
and then forget about it
for the rest of the morning.
You never did say how come it ain't
done your nut in here being in so long.
Only does your nut if you
don't think you should be here.
Look at me.
Sweet old man, huh?
Bit bumbly,
full of jailblock wisdom.
Cornerstone of the jail,
put in with the foundations, right?
I didn't get to be the oldest con
for breakin' windows.
Villains spend their lives
shitting themselves...
that other criminals
are going to seize them.
So they get their retaliation
in first and twice as nasty.
A bloke was comin' after me.
So I...
I went around to his digs
and lobbed a grenade in the window.
Left over after the war, you know.
Army surplus.
I didn't know,
but he had his little baby...
and his girl in there with him.
The house went up like
a firecracker.
No one came out.
He barricaded the door with
furniture in case I came around.
By the time they got in,
the screamin' had stopped.
Thirteen months old.
Learning to walk, apparently.
Nothing I can do is ever
gonna make up for that, is it?