Mean Machine

We haven't got much time.
One thing.

This is strictly sex.
I ain't gonna respect you after.

I don't blame you.
Girls like to brag at the pub as well.

I've heard.
What? What? Easy.
Change your oil, did you?
Gentlemen should never kiss
and tell, Massive. You know that.

I think I'd better go home.
Massive, inside information
on the opposition.

Read it careful.
It's really important.

All right, Danny. There's
a meeting now in Mr. Sykes's cell.

All right, lads, a bit of windup
material on the opposition.

Ketch, this one's for you.
You know old Ratchett keeps
going on about his dodgy knee.

Well, it's the right one.
This one is dynamite.
Marsden's daughter Donna...

has been known to dabble in quite
a few different class A drugs.

Let him know about it
at the right time.

Here we go, Danny boy.
Danny boy.

And now for our secret weapon.
Danny, tape.
Oh, shit. I forgot it.

Left it in me locker.
Ah, yeah, I need a piss anyway.

Cheers, Doc.
Sorry, boys.
That's all right.
Get the old boy working.
