Mysteries in History,
with your host, Peter Graves.
Although no one has ever been able
to prove their existence...
...a quasi-government agency,
the Men in Black...
...supposedly carries out operations
here on Earth...
...in order to keep us safe from aliens
throughout the galaxies.
Here is one of their stories
that "never happened"...
...from one of their files
that doesn't exist.
1978. The leaders of Zartha
flee their planet...
...in order to escape the clutches
of the evil Kylothian, Serleena.
Arriving on Earth, the Zarthans bring
with them their greatest treasure:
The Light of Zartha,
a cosmic force so powerful...
...that in the wrong hands it could
lead to the annihilation of Zartha.
The Zarthans' princess, Lauranna,
beseeched the Men in Black...
...to hide the Light from Serleena.
But they had no choice.
Intervention would have meant
the destruction of the Earth.
However, in an act of galactic bravery,
the Men in Black subdued Serleena...
...allowing the Zarthans to escape...
...so they might hide the Light
on another planet.
Serleena, released from her captors,
vowed that the Light would be hers...
...and that she would destroy
any planet that stood in her way.
And so, never knowing what happened...
...the people of Earth were saved
by a secret society of protectors...
...known as the Men in Black.