You have got to stop neuralyzing
MiB personnel.
He was crying
in the middle of the diner.
I hate that.
And plus, you can't count Elle.
She wanted to go back to the morgue.
I helped her.
- You need a partner.
- I'm cool.
I'll be his partner.
Jay, wait up.
I appreciate the shot, man.
- Thought I'd never get out.
- Lose the suit.
Sure thing.
Just going for the look.
But if I say so myself,
I find it slimming.
Not that I've had problems
with the ladies.
When you get down to...
Nice sled, very swank.
Heated seats? Sometimes I get hives.
Bring your head in this window
before I roll it up in there.
Got it.
My money? It's missionary.
I was in the Bowery,
and I meet this Great Dane.
A little thick in the body,
but pretty.
That's just not appealing to me, man.
I say we do the good cop,
bad cop thing.
You interrogate the witness
and I growl.
How about we do the good cop,
dumb dog thing, and you just shut up?
You got it, partner.
Total silence.
Absolute quiet. Not a word out of me.
What do we got?
- What do we got?
- There's residue on the wall.
- We sent samples to Em for analysis.
- Hey, 0% body fat.
- Funny.
- Witness?
Girl. Saw everything.
She's taking it well.