- Talk to me.
- It's Kylothian, class C.
- Serleena. Old girlfriend?
- She wishes.
The perps were looking
for the Light of...
- Zartha.
- Yeah, what is it?
This makes no sense.
It's not on Earth.
- We took care of this a long time ago.
- Obviously not.
That is very bad news.
The Zarthans came to Earth
to hide the Light from Serleena.
- We don't do that.
- Right. I ordered it off the planet.
Well, Zed...
I got a Kylothian class C in my park.
Are you sure this Light isn't here?
Positive. I gave the order.
My best agent carried it out.
- It's as if I gave it to you.
- Ask the agent.
- Can't.
- Dead?
Sort of. He works at the post office.
If Serleena gets to Kay before we do,
he's dead.
The Earth's very existence
may rest on what Kay knows.
Too bad you wiped out
his memory of it.
Bring him in.
How cool is this? Going to get Kay.
The legend, the go-to guy.
Your mentor,
who taught you everything.
- The greatest agent in MiB history!
- Frank! Stop talking.
Listen, partner.
I may look like a dog...
...but I only play one here on Earth.
- Whatever. Wipe your mouth.
- Hey, babe.
People of Truro,
may I kindly have your attention?
To facilitate your shipping needs...
...all packages must be
properly wrapped.
This one is an example of
"go home and do it again."
I think you know what I mean,
Mrs. Vigushin.
Brown paper and triple-twist twine
are the preferred media.
Thank you for your time.
- Kay.
- C. Express mail, two-day air.