Men in Black II

Newton? Newton, is that you?
Yes, Mom, I'm up here
with some friends.

I wanna have your baby.
Would you like some mini-pizza?
You guys want some mini-pizzas?
They're good.

They're like mini-bagels,
with pizza stuff on them.

She'll put a little fontina cheese on.
She has palsy, so she ends
up putting a lot of cheese on.

No, thanks, we're cool.
All right.
Over here.
This is it.
Finally some hard evidence.
Gentlemen, before I play the tape,
one question:

What's up with anal probing?
Aliens travel billions of light
years just to check out our...

Boy, move.
Okay. Just a question.
Here is one of their stories
that "never happened"...

...from one of their files
that doesn't exist.

1978. Devastating war of Zartha
had raged on for 50 years.

Looks like Spielberg's work.
But the Zarthans had a great treasure,
the Light of Zartha.

A source of power so awesome,
it alone...

...could mean victory and restoration
for the Zarthans...

...or complete annihilation, if it
fell into the hands of the Kylothians.

A group of Zarthans made the journey,
led by the Keeper of the Light...

...Princess Lauranna.
Lauranna beseeched the Men in Black
to help her hide the Light on Earth.

But they could not intervene.
It was night.
And it was raining.
You've been very wise.
Kay, please. If Serleena takes
the Light, it's the end of our world.
