If we extend protection for the Light
beyond Earth...
...we put Earth in jeopardy.
We must remain neutral.
- Where is it?
- We're neutral, remember?
If you want it, go get it.
And so never knowing it happened...
...the people of Earth
were once again saved...
...by a secret society of protectors...
I shouldn't have.
You never sent it off the planet.
You hid it here.
The worm guys.
Are you one of Newton's
friends from therapy?
- Yes, ma'am, I am. Look here, please.
- Would you like some mini-pizz...?
A neuralyz...
Okay, first, get some contact lenses.
Joints look like they pick up cable.
Second, take her to Cambodia. Get
her lobster. Pay more than a dollar.
Third, the second y'all get back
from Cambodia...
...move your bum ass
out of your mom's house.
- Let's go.
- Boy, you like 40 years old.
- Agent Jay?
- All right, all right.
And there ain't no such thing
as aliens or Men in Black.
- You wanna go to Cambodia?
- Yeah.
Hey, Mom?