Oh! This is boring!
I'd rather surf the net!
Let's see.
Let's see if I can find
something interesting.
Oh! Always the
same old, same old!
I'm tired of this!
Let's see here...
And what's this?
What's going on?
Why's it doing that?
Julian, your snack.
Woah! A Martian!
Are you really a Martian or is
that a virtual body you created?
Both. This is my virtual body and
this is how I am. I am from Mars.
You guys exist!
I knew it!
And are you there now? I've
always dreamed of going to Mars!
No, I'm here
on the Earth.
I want to go back but I can't
because my spaceship is broken.
And What's your name?
Mercano. And yours?
And this Whole virtual word,
you made it yourself? What for?
Yeah. It's just that
I miss my planet.
I'm not having a
good time here.