Yeah, me too. I don't
have fun on Earth either.
Oh! I have to eat...
What do you eat?
...so then she gets close to me
and says: Dolores, is that you?
I just couldn't believe it! The
two of us bandaged up like...
mummies in
the same clinic.
I went just to get a few little
things done: My cheekbones,
nose, chin...
What a coincidence!
I'm done!
It's terrible how Julian
is behaving, you know.
He was so studious!
Now her just spends all
day playing on that computer.
You have to talk with him.
Are you listening to me?
Yes, yes, it's just I have to
spend tonight preparing...
a proposal for tomorrow.
One billion there, no,
we have to pay the debt...
And the minister said,
you know, Whatever...
Buenos Aires? What's happened
in Buenos Aires? I don't care.
Buenos Aires is bullshit.
It doesn't exist.
Rio de Janeiro. New York,
after the two towers...
The columns rising...
I should see...
345.588.120 millions...
The balance does not close...
Good morning, gentlemen!
Good morning!
We are in one of the most serious
periods of recession that...
our corporation has ever faced.
We must seek new markets.
I believe we should start by
redefining our objectives.
Economic objectives!
Can there be any doubt?
Quite correct,
Mr. Economics.
If we are in agreement then,
let's begin with the proposals.
Mr. Genetics.
Health is a basic necessity.
In our laboratories we are...