Mere Yaar Ki Shaadi Hai

I'm not afraid of anyone.
Pull down the wall, I say

Ma, if the door isn't facing east...
- Mother-in-law, you'll pull down walls?
Just for the wedding?

- My dear anglicized son-in-law...
I'd rather tear down walls than
defy the scriptures

Bridegrooms never enter from the west!
Good God! This is sacrilege

So what Kappo? Lord Rama entered
from the west when he went to wed

How come?
- Ayodhya is west of Mithila

How could you forget that?
- How could you forget dear brother?

Lord Rama was exiled for 14 years.
Had he observed the scriptures...

Lord Rama would've been happy, no?
- Can you match that?
Our sister-in-law is matchless!
- Convinced him, at long last
I wonder if I could've convinced him
to get married

Anju's wedding is going to be fun!
- This sister-in-law of mine...
happens to be everyone's favorite!

And our wedding was no less grand
Yes, but there's no sign of the one
who regaled everyone at your wedding

- Sanju

Bahadur Singh, are the gates washed?
- Yes

Plant the new saplings
You said the prayers without
waiting for me?

Sorry "girlfriend", I'm late.
- Not too late
