Between you and I and samosas
how did that fool crop up?
When is Rohit coming?
Sanjay, come over here
Sanjay. He's Mr. Malhotra's son.
- The late Mr. Malhotra...?
The one whose house I bought?
- Yes
So you are Sanjay!
Though we've never met,
I know your entire history
Anju speaks so much about you.
Whenever she's at our place...
she starts reeling off, here's Sanju's
room, this is where we played carrom...
so on and so forth.
Do come over some day
It's your house.
- Was. Now it's yours
Anjali still calls it
Sanju's house
Silly, doesn't even realize
where she's going
After Mr. Malhotra died in the accident,
he moved to Bombay. Settled down well
Destiny is strange. Motherless boy,
at 20, he lost his father too
But he didn't break down
I like that boy
This is still here?
- Last year...
there was talk of cutting down this
branch. For 3 days, I cried
I went on hunger strike for 2 days
and at last, Papa relented
Why not let him cut it if he wants?
- How could I...? You made this swing
For hours we sat on this swing
as we plotted our mischief
Come, sit.
- I hope it doesn't break
If it hasn't broken in all these years
how can it break now? Come