My fiancé has had five affairs
and till this day, I don't know?
Three happened when I was in school.
- I don't want to hear anything
People are staring.
- Not for another minute... do I wish to
embarrass you, Mr. Rohit Khanna
Sanju, will you drop me home?
- May I have my ice cream? No...? Okay
Got to go
You're so nice, but that's
also why you must die
You got to go, Rohit. Go away
from Anjali. Far away. Forever
Poor guy
Was nice
I ought to be thanking you.
Even unwittingly...
You've played a major role in
cementing my relationship with Anjali.
How so...?
- Back in America... Anjali told me about
the swing you rigged up for her.
For her... it's a cherished childhood