We've got a problem on our location.
Over here. Time Frank?
-30 minutes.
Check the papers heading forwarded.
See if the neighbours knew where they when.
Check on on the confirmation.
-John, get us some coffees
How I can save your ass everyday,
you can't be without me.
I got to go, thank you.
More then a couple of weeks ago.
Nobody knows where
Still searching for the Ben Weird Deploy.
-Time rising 12 minutes.
What he's doing is scraping images.
Looking for clues to where the
murder is gonna happened.
The stream line in details.
The victim has been appointed.
The victim is pronounce here.
Killer's here.
The young man dead of the crime.
All we have to do is to run
Images they produced.
Most of them is a flash like this one.
We don't see thing in premeditation anymore