Instead of one miracle,
we will give them three.
The pre-coptives. Within one month
they will complete the programe
"He'd been waiting for me in the car."
"...he was going to rape me."
"I was going to be stabbed..."
"...right here"
Within a year. Pre-crime affectively
stopped the murders
In our nation capital.
In the 6 years, we've been conducting
our experiment.
There hasn't been a single murder.
And now pre-crime can work for you.
Pre-crimes, it's works...lt's works...
It works...
Pre-crimes it works.
What's the matter? Can't sleep?
Give me some clarity.
You want custom made clarity,
or the new improved clarity?
Just give me some.
Sweet dream, chief.
Don't worry, none of the secret
save with me.