Minority Report

Why did you catch that?
Because it was going to fall.
It didn't fall.
You caught it.
The fact is you prevented
from happening

Doesn't change the fact it was
going to happen

Someone is intended to kill
Broston's wife.

But they never looked through it.
How can precrime tell the different?

Precrime is intended to and
only what you will do.

No sources of suicide.
Because it nature of murder.

There is nothing more distracted
to the phsycial fabric that binds us

Cinommon,she developed
pre-crime system.

Speaking interfact do wants you
to say hello.

To Cinommon?
No. to them.
You've never been inside?
It keeps strict operation.
No one get accused of it
I'll be the first one to go in.
Maybe you didn't hear me.
Is a question of authority.
There is no question.
I have a warrant in my pocket,
is said different.

Show it to me.
