The killer is John Dough,
never idenified.
Why is he still John Dough?
Why he hasn't got any I. D from the scan?
I can't have it from his eyes.
He swapped out to fool the scanners.
You can get it done on the street for
few thousand bucks these days.
So you just want just the
female pre-vision.
We don't seem to have her data.
-Try it again.
This is odd.
We have 2 pre-visions.
Is probably just a glint.
Tell me the intended victim Ann Lively.
Look likes she was an
heroin addict.
Like the John Dough here.
It show the address of the clinic.
-I thought she cleaned up?
I think glint comes in two.
Finally crawl the way out of one hole
Just to fall in another.