- Did he pay forthe ham?
- No.
- You dunce!
- They'll pay when they return.
That won't be soon.
- Where are they going?
- Compiegne, then Germany.
- Theirthings are up there!
- Not for long.
Careful, it's fragile!
Where is it all going?
It's stored in Paris,
and sent to Germany.
And the apartment?
An administrator handles it.
If you'd like,
we could benefit from this.
I can pull some strings.
We can't accept.
It's 200 square meters...
I don't want any trouble.
When opportunity knocks,
my husband ignores it.
There's money to be made
these days, but no!
He's got scruples.
"He's Got Scruples"
Great title for a play!
Get the first one produced.