Monsieur Batignole

Your parents can't say
I didn't take care of you.

- Was it good?
- I threw up in the bucket.

What a waste of foie gras.
Can I have some tea?
I've been running
up and down since 6 am!

- Can you empty the bucket?
- The toilet's out there!

You locked me in
and said not to move.

Some day off!
Hello, Paul.
Did you rent your room?
- No, why?
- I heard some noise.

My brother's son has typhus.
You'd better stay away.
Can I have a book?
Pierre-Jean has books.
I doubt you'd enjoy them.

You don't read?
I'm up at 5 am
and don't go to bed till 10 pm.

And I work non-stop in between.
- I didn't know.
- Now you do.

If someone knocks,
don't answer.

What about my parents?
We'll talk later.
They were mine
when I was young.

It's so humid.
My legs are like lead.

I feel a storm coming.
Do you have lice?
I was itching all night.
So was your father.

Your party was a success.
Are you listening?
Spreich should stop
lecturing me.

He wasn't happy with the round-up.
But he does nothing.

- Now they want kids!
- That's different...

How so?
Don't you agree, Edmond?
