Say it, Joe.
-- Joe. Joe.
-- What?
I-I need some help.
I think we forgot something.
W-What is it?
The invitations.
We forgot the wedding
I didn't call the shop.
They had the master guest list.
The plan was they were gonna
just send them out directly.
Well, d-don't you think --
Never assume.
lt's the first rule of business.
You saw the sales girl.
She looked stoned.
I just -- I-I-I-I-I don't want
everyone getting them now.
Not now.
lt'd just be too uncomfortable.
I gotta be somewhere
at 9:00,
and then the, uh --
the D.A. at 11:00.
The D.A.
-- Ben.
-- Hmm?
I got it.
You think --
Could you get over there?
-- No problem.
-- Thanks, Joe.
lt's just -- it's just it --
it -- it --
it would just be
too uncomfortable.
You know, there's a drawer
at the bottom of the bureau.
lf you want, I could maybe
make some space for you.
Oh, no, no, no.
Ben, Ben, it's fine.
# Meet me in the morning #
# 56th and Wabasha #
# Meet me in the morning #
# 56th and Wabasha #