Ray, off!
Come on, Ray-Ray!
Nice kitty! Nice kitty!
Nice kitty!
Okay, nice kitty!
Sorry about that.
Ray likes boys.
a lot.
He gonna live?
He's never moved that fast
in his entire life.
Ray doesn't get
much company.
So, what can I do you for?
Go ahead, Ray.
Yeah, I, uh --
I, uh --
-- Hi.
-- Hi.
This is kind of strange,
but, um, I think you have
some mail here.
You think?
I mean that I'm --
that I'm looking for.
Anything special you had
in mind?
Wedding invitations.
You want 'em back?
I do.
What, did you forget to lick
the stamps?
All right.
Well, you coming or not?
Come on.
You all alone here?
Why, what'd you have
in mind?
Oh, no, I --
District manager's been talking
since Christmas
he's got subs coming in.
I think he forgot.
So it's just me
and the Bettys for now.
They're out on route.
We take turns --
butt behind the counter,
butt behind the wheel.
Except everyone seems
much happier
when I'm not behind
the wheel, so.
You're not from around here.
Boy shortage.
You notice.
So what,
you 4-F, flunk your medical?
Draft dodger? What?
I've never been called up.
You got kind of a slouch
going there.
Oh, it's, uh --
it's the shoes.