Moonlight Mile

or some such bullshit.

He was asking about you.
Not the turncoats?

What do you think --

ltalian -- Northern.
That kind of thing just
scares the hell out of me.

I've got a daughter myself,
her age.

I can't even imagine if.
Young man, all I can say is,
I'm just --
I'm just very, very sorry.

Well, Joe helped me
come to a decision.

lf work can give us
just one more reason

to get up in the morning,
then damned if we aren't
gonna jump in full-steam.

What's your, uh, what's your
interest in all this, Joe?

I beg your pardon?
This business.
Well, um, actually, um,
Ben actually
came up with the idea

that I would, uh,
collaborate with him

after we, uh --
after Diana decided

that we should.
come back and live.

lt was her idea --
their idea.

lt was your idea.
lt was my idea.
You study the market
in school?

:32:10, ultimately.
You just feel like, uh,
this is your future, right?

I think so.
I hope so.

Um, uh.actually, sir,
I haven't really had
the chance to think through

the ramifications of a life
in commercial real estate.

Well, no,
I.can understand that.

My God, you've had your mind
on a lot of things lately.

Which is why
Joe and I are both anxious

to jump in
and roll up our sleeves.

lt's time to -- to channel
all this scattered energy

toward something
more.positive, Mike,

like this project of yours
we keep hearing about.

Joe, what kind of man
do you take me for?

Prisoner of history?
Not on appearance.
Mired in -- in convention

Uh I'm guessing "no".
