I'd never hear the end of it.
This is how I had it --
in my head.
ln your head?
Pictures, you know --
son-in-law, first cigar,
a couple of beers
once in a while.
Sometimes, y-you just need
a little break, you know --
a new face, someone
to bounce it around with.
Jo and I, we don't really
socialize too much anymore.
lt's just us,
just on each other, you know --
same face in your face.
Forget what the other pillow
even looks like empty.
And let's face it --
Jo, well, she's really
the more verbal one,
likes to.
fill the air up a bit.
And I like
to give her that.
Sure. Yeah.
And then
you guys come along.
I figure I finally got a shot
at someone to talk to.
She ever, uh.
she ever talk about me, Joe?
Yeah, sure.
Nothing really
in particular, but.
I know
something wasn't right.
She asked me to meet her.
I was supposed to be there
at the counter.
You were --
She said she had to talk.
We really needed to talk.
I don't know, I.
I haven't.
Please don't tell JoJo this.
lt'll kill her.
See, I -- I was across the
street there in the office,
and then.
some phone call --
Did she say anything?
I just know
something wasn't right.
I know there was
something wrong with us.
Had been for a while,
ever since
she was a.teenager.
don't tell JoJo this.