Do I look married to you?
See any hardware?
Were you gonna be?
No one bothered telling me.
But you still work his store.
Why just friends?
I lend a hand.
But, well, how long
were you together?
Weren't we talking
about you here?
You mind?
I don't know -- a while.
A while.
That song at the bar,
that was yours?
He never actually heard it,
But he knew you pretty well.
About 60%.
Well, how'd you meet?
He cracked my lip.
The usual pickup game over
at Rogers Field.
They picked, I sat out.
Didn't know
what to make of me
'cause not exactly a guy,
not exactly a girl.
So one day I get fed up and go
plant myself behind the plate.
First batter gets up,
he's so distracted,
he swings wide,
I stop the bat
with my face.
I actually tattooed my chin
for a week.
Anyway, he busted my lip up
pretty good.
End of story.
And that was Cal.
That was.
You should've seen
the stitches.
You can still see the scar.
lt's never gone away.
lsn't that weird?
That's how I knew.
You had four years?