Mr. Deeds

Hello, folks at home.
I'm 100 yards from the top of Mt. Everest.
Yet there's a part of me
that can't wait to end this silly vacation...

...and get back to work,
where the real challenges await.

Shouldn't you take your age
into consideration, sir?

After all, you're 82 years old.
Am I 82?
These numbers mean nothing to me.
My journey through life has just begun.

Sir! Sir!
-Oota tells me the storm's getting worse.
-Very, very bad.

We must abandon our ascent and
go down the mountain immediately.

We're so very close to the top,
Mr. Puffy Jacket Man.

I'm heading down now, sir.
I advise you to do the same.

All right, so be it.
See you at the staff meeting on Monday.
And I'll bring the Krispy Kremes!

There, once again, the sad footage
we've been watching all day.

A beloved visionary who turned a single
radio station into a global media empire...

...Preston Blake, dead at 82. More after this.
You're watching the Blake Broadcasting Network.
The stock of Blake Media,
the parent company of this network...

...plunged this morning
on the news of Blake's death...

...but bounced back after a statement
by Blake's longtime number 2, Chuck Cedar.

All the king's horses and all the king's men...
...couldn't save Preston Blake
from becoming a human Popsicle.

And sources indicate that Blake, who was
single and had no children, left no will.

So who inherits Blake's 49 percent stake
in the company's stock...

...valued at $40 billion?
We'll discuss that with people close
to Blake, including his longtime barber...

...on tomorrow's lnside Access.
Until then, I'm Mac McGrath.

-Are we clear?
