Mr. Deeds

I'm a junior producer at Inside Access.
I have information that will help you
get Deeds out of town. lnterested?

Very. Provided the information is good
and you stop soaping your ass.

-You know Deeds' girlfriend?
-The school nurse.

Not quite.
Lucy, bring me the overnights.
J.D. will tell you where they are.

Hey. What the hell are you doing in my chair?
Chuck Cedar.
I think you and I could help each other out.
-You excited about this trip?
-I'm so excited.

-Where are you taking me?
-I told you, that's a surprise.

"Winchestertonfieldville, lowa."
You got to be shitting me.
I never heard you curse before.
I'm that excited!
All you Winchestertonfieldvillians,
recognize this little girl?

I'll give you a hint.
"I fell out of Boo Radley's apple tree...

"...and my arm is killing me!"
Come on, it's little Pammy Dawson!
You related to Bill Dawson?
Yes, he's my relative.
I think I remember you.
Did you used to have a hump on your back?
-Yes, that was me. I had a slight hump.

This was no slight hump.
The girl I'm thinking of looked like
she had a damn beach ball on her back.

Okay, it was a huge hump
and I'm a little sensitive about it.

Look, Martha, it's Quasimodo, all growed up.
