Is that right?
Let's see.
You're dead.
What took you so long?
I've been waiting.
No, I have something better.
- What is it?
- Absinthe. Wormwood-infused alcohol.
The molecular structure is almost
identical to tetrahedral chlorine.
Tetra what?
The active ingredient in marijuana.
Where did you get it?
Poets drank it for inspiration.
It's been illegal since
the turn of the century.
Even better.
To the systematic derangement
of our senses.
Forget the senses.
Let's derange the world.
We will.
What about tonight?
- What about right now?
- I have a biology...
Fuck your biology!
You always have excuses.
Let's forget it.
We've been planning this for months.
I'm sick of planning.
That's all it is with you.
It's talk and plans and dreams.
You're a jerk-off.
So jerk off.
Richard, wait.
Just be patient.