...he's like that.
He makes fun of everyone.
He's one of the cool kids.
What makes him cool?
You know, he's smart, he's rich...
...he's witty, and everyone likes him.
And you don't.
Yeah, I knew kids like that.
Superstars of high school.
Five years from now,
nobody will care who they are.
Well, Richard will always be cool.
His daddy's rich and I hate
to admit it, but he's actually smart.
He's lazy and didn't study,
but he got a 710 on that bio SAT.
- It kind of spun me out.
- Spinning out, huh?
You seem to know him well.
You can tell by his behavior in class.
Cassie, where have you been?
Sam I.D. 'd the suspect.
- Who is it?
- Ask Sam. He's in charge of the case.
S.I.D. is over there now
collecting evidence.
- Hi, Cass.
- Hi.
Look at this, sir.
- Could be a match.
- Log that.
I want samples of fabrics, soils,
any molds, plants in here and outside.
John's found a stash
of marijuana buds.
- You mind if we smoke up while we work?
- Yes, I do.
- So who is he?
- Raymond Lee Feathers.
He's a janitor at Jefferson.
I compiled a list of everyone
who might have stolen Richard's boots.
Then I cross-indexed that against
carpet purchases and up came this.
Apparently he sold grass
to the kids at school.
- Good work.
- Thank you.