You've been angling for this for
a while, taking over the case!
They made me take it
because they think you're losing it!
Who thinks l'm losing it? Who?
l don't care if l'm losing it.
l'm right.
How did you come by this?
lt was the weirdest thing.
l was driving by the house...
...the trash can got knocked over,
and the stuff fell out.
What a break.
Some of this will be the mom's,
some will be the boy's.
-What is this?
-Don't ask, don't tell.
We won't know until we get the report
if it matches the puke's DNA.
Lucky he gave us some blood
with his dinner.
Be sure to get
a signed purchase order.
-When will we know?
-Depends on the lab.
-Want me to call him?
-No! Last time l had to calm him down.
-Just make it fast.
-l'll take care of it. See you.
What's this?
-A purchase order for the DNA--
-l know what it is.
This case is closed. Closed!
Now, if you can't understand that,
then maybe we--
-You need some time off?
-Nope, l'm fine.
You're not fine.
You're brilliant sometimes,
but never really fine.
You want to see Doc Sluzer again?
-Then no more on this case.
Not another minute, not another penny.
l've about had it with you.
You hear me?
Hi, it's Cass. l'll need another day
or two on that purchase order.
No, just bookkeeping, changing
the software, things like that.
So you'll run an analysis
on that puke?
Thanks, honey.
-l'm sorry. l shouldn't have done it.
-Come on!