Richard, get out of the way.
-You think l'm too young?
-There was a killer at your school.
The whole time,
somebody you were close to.
-What do you mean?
-Raymond Feathers.
-You guys were friends, right?
-With that degenerate?
No. He didn't really have
many friends.
He just....
l don't know.
You know, even his old lady left him.
So you're friends
with his old lady too?
You're a tease. You lead guys on
and then push them away.
But l think...
...you like to fight.
You want it, but you need
to fight about it.
You don't have to do anything.
You have no choice.
You can't handle it,
so you're leaving?
This is part of it!
Damn it!
Thank you, detective.
l bet you did this
with every guy you ever dated.
Tell me l'm wrong.
-lf l can link Richard to Feathers--
-You can't stop.
l'm sorry about what l said.
l'm just a little messed up right now,
but hear me out, as a friend.
Just as a friend, okay?
Thank you.
l saw Richard and Justin tonight.