That helped us figure out
the real timetable.
That gave you time to get home
for the study group.
l'll go get some cash for the pizza.
You told them you were going
to the ATM to get cash. And you did.
And I did.
Then you hurried back.
-That took five minutes.
-lt took five minutes.
-Now we're talking.
-But you were gone 15.
What are you looking at?
Richard killed her. Didn't he, Justin?
l think it was Justin.
Let me tell you something.
lt'll be the most important thing
you ever hear.
More important than the instructions
on the SATs and APs.
The person who actually killed
Olivia Lake is gonna be executed.
Or, at best, go to jail for life.
ln your case that'd be about 60 years.
But the other one, who didn't
actually kill her, if he cooperates...