Briefly. Then she got
interested in Justin.
Let's use that.
lnteresting theory, but l can't
admit to something l didn't do.
Looks like you won't have to.
Because Justin is talking in there.
Justin's here?
He told us about you.
About you and Lisa.
Which Lisa?
So you really need
to tell me what happened.
Just think of it as a game.
Whoever talks first is the winner.
Justin says you betrayed him.
He told us about Lisa
and the tape you made.
Justin's talking.
He's gonna win this thing,
unless you have something to tell me.
Okay, l'm gonna go see.
Wait, wait.
Come on, sit down.
l have to advise you
of certain rights.
-The interview is over.
-Richard's father's lawyer.
Charge them or let them go.
Another five minutes,
we would have had both those kids.
lf l ever find out who leaked
to the parents, l swear....
No, that's all right.
Yeah, l'll talk to you tomorrow.
Justin won't talk, because he needs
to prove he's as tough as his buddy.
-He's tougher.
-Yeah, maybe.
That Richard,
l can't wait till we nail him.
One of them is the doer, and he's going
down, but there's something deeper--
A narcissistic prick like Richard
doesn't care about anyone but himself.
He uses Justin to feed his ego. Push
him around, make him feel like a man.