And to everyone's amazement,
the most popular boy liked her.
State pole-vaulting champ.
You'd watch him go over
that bar in the sunlight...
...that golden body, it was like...
...life just couldn't get
any more beautiful than that.
And it didn't.
She was 16 when she married him.
Seventeen when he knocked out
her upper bicuspid.
Eighteen when she decided to leave.
He put her in the hospital
with a serious concussion.
A week later, when she got out...
...she started packing,
and he was drunk.
He pointed his finger at her. He said,
''You try that again, l'll kill you.''
He took another drink...
...and she headed for the door.
Why didn't she wait till he was out?
Left for work?
She couldn't,
she had to go right then.
-Why then?
-l don't know.
lt was because....
Because she....
lt wasn't about getting away from him,
it was about standing up to him.
Even if it killed her.
l guess so.
So he stabbed her 17 times
with a kitchen knife...
...and dumped her body
on a country road.
Yeah, ruined my favorite dress.
Carl Hudson.
Cutest boy l ever saw...
...until Richard Haywood.
And you're supposed to testify
at Carl's parole hearing.
What are you gonna say?
Nothing. l'm not going.
l'm not.
-You gotta go up there, you have to.
-No. l don't have to.
The girl was Jessica Marie Hudson.
l have nothing to say about her.
-You just inherited her scars.
-Look, l made a deal.