l just thought you'd want to know
what really happened.
I thought it was a game.
How do you pick a victim?
How do you get away with it?
We were bored.
l never took it seriously until l walk
in the room, and she's laying there....
Did you make a deal with him?
-He says he wasn't there--
-Did you make a deal?
l don't make deals over the phone,
but if it checks out...
-...and we can get a conviction, l will.
-Fine. Let's get warrants now.
Where are you going?
You're not supposed to leave
without telling us.
Will you be back for dinner?
Justin's not here. His mother
doesn't even know when he left.
Similar story here.
What about Goldilocks?
Get over there and see what she knows.
-You should take a look downstairs.
-l gotta go. Bye.
l didn't know where else to go.
Tell me what's going on.
The cops are asking about you
and Richard. l don't know what to say.
We killed a woman.
No, you didn't.
Yes, we did.
He made you do it.