Hey, Bonaparte.
What's the matter?
Miss Mills?
Time's up. Put your pens down.
Exchange your test with a neighbor.
Number 20 is C...
...''Burnt Norton.''
l suppose you find it funny.
Me flunking a pop quiz.
You didn't flunk. You got 19 out of 20.
Please pass the tests forward.
Wait up, l want to talk to you.
-Why did you do that?
-l have motives.
Like what?
l need your help
for my physics midterm.
Why me?
Because you're a genius, okay?
l live at 1108 Chandler.
Can you remember that?
Around 5?
Hi, Lisa.
-This friend--
-Turn right.
-lt's right here.
-A houseboat. Neat.
Neat indeed.
l like it out here.
Not too many people.
Thanks. See you tomorrow.
-You gonna see me to the door?
-Of course.