No prints.
The killer must have worn gloves.
-So it's not a husband or boyfriend.
You don't use gloves
to kill your wife.
Unless you've thought about it.
Missing ring finger.
Ritual? Serial killer?
-Maybe a comment on matrimony.
-A negative one.
Maybe we should investigate
every bad marriage in the county.
-Why don't you get on that?
-Let's start with you.
-Ever been married?
What's this?
An old murder case l was involved in.
The guy's up for parole,
they want me to testify.
What do we have on Jane Doe?
l'm checking missing persons
Run her prints,
have an artist do a sketch.
l got it.
l didn't think you'd show. Come in.
Who did these?
They're quite good.
Thank you.
-You did them?
-Don't look so surprised.
l modeled for them too.
Bonaparte, you're blushing.
Why do you call me that?
Ever take a career aptitude test?
lf you ever did, they'd recommend
you a career as a dictator.
Who would listen to me?