What's the matter?
-You gotta get up, you gotta go.
Because l gotta get some sleep.
-Can we sleep together?
-Bed's too small.
-No, it's not.
-Come on, you gotta go.
l'll see you tomorrow. Good night.
The evidence is so tiny,
you wouldn't recognize it.
A few red and yellow carpet fibers,
some hair.
That's it.
The fibers will be tested to find
generic and subgeneric classes...
...then compared to a database
for the manufacturer.
Fibers consistent with a mass-produced
variety, made in Denver.
Distributed in the United States
under several names.
-No help.
-Same with the red fibers.
Several trilobal nylon fibers...
...along with other fibers
will be matched with a brand.
lt's sold by Hanover Sampson
for several discount stores.