That narrows it down.
They sold 50,000 in that color last year.
Examination of the cuticle,
cortex and medulla of the hair...
...will reveal them to be human.
Two brown human hairs.
Definitely not the victim's.
All but one.
At first, it will baffle them.
One hair of nonhuman origin, scale
matches Cynocephalus maimon.
lt's a freaking baboon hair.
No fingerprints, no murder weapon.
They have their work cut out for them.
That's what they're paid for.
Coroner said strangulation was slow.
Perhaps the victim was being tortured.
The postmortem stab wounds
barely broke the surface.
Okay, that's it.
They'll decide that, given the sloppy
nature of the crime scene...
...the postmortem mutilation...
...the profile will be that
of a disorganized offender.
Poor social skills.
Nocturnal by nature.
Probably into pornography.
Intelligent, but uneducated.
Lives alone,
few relations with women.
Attack was spontaneous.
He didn't drive down close
to the dump spot. That is planning.
But he left the footprints.
No evidence will lead to the suspect,
but they'll damn him.
-When will they have a suspect?
-They're eating out of our hands.
Poor Ray. He'll never see it coming.
Cassie, look at this.
Vigi boots.
What the hell are Vigi boots?