You got me freaked out
like l did something.
Did you find them or what?
l reported them stolen
three weeks ago.
l even filed a report
with the front office.
Did you find the shoes or not?
l think you should tell me
what's going on.
Because l'm spinning out here.
Shoe prints matching these were found
at a murder scene last week.
-The Covington woman?
-That's right.
You think the person who stole
my shoes committed this murder?
l'll cooperate in any way l can.
Any idea who stole your boots?
No, l don't. l wish l did now, though.
-Any enemies at school?
-Well, it's high school.
What does that mean?
Not to sound arrogant,
but there are people who envy me.
Why would they do that?
Well, let's just say
that l'm very fortunate...
...and that l've been blessed
in many ways.
-Must be nice being you, Richard.
-l got no complaints.
lt all checked out.
He filed a report about the boots.
And made a big fuss to the principal.
Yeah, l bet he was a pain in the ass.
-She didn't say that.
-No, believe me. l hate kids like that.
Like what?
What about the study session?
Six kids were at his house with him
from 7 or 7:30 Thursday evening...
...till 3 a.m. Friday.
l talked to all of them.
He was there except for 15 minutes...
...he went to an ATM
to get cash for a pizza.
-Did you check that out?
-Yeah, he withdrew $40 at 9:19.