Lawrence Haywood. He built the mall.
-Big campaign contributor?
-That's right.
And l won't fuck
with that guy on this.
l've grown much too fond of my own ass
to do anything that goddamned stupid!
And what is your problem?
Where are you on this, Sam?
-l don't care who his father is.
-l don't mean that.
Do you think we have enough
to go after him?
No. And if we go in too soon,
we could burn the whole case.
Really? And why is that, vice?
No judge would sign a warrant
based on what you have.
Shut up, Swanson!
-This kid with his attitude--
-Attitude isn't a crime.
-lt's an indicator--
-But he doesn't fit the profile.
The profile doesn't fit!
The killer was smart. He didn't drive
to the site, he used Richard's boots...
-...but the attack was unplanned?
-But if we push too soon--
-Whose case is this?
-Just calm down.
No, l've been trying to find
Olivia's killer, busting my ass--
-Who's Olivia?
-The victim.
-ls this still my case?
-lt's a coordinated effort!
You're getting way too involved
in this, Cassie.
-You called her by her first name.
You said, ''l've been trying
to find Olivia's killer.''
No, l didn't.
Did l?
You're supposed to be identifying
with the killer, not the victim.
Remember that?
You don't have any witnesses
or fingerprints or powder burns....
I almost forgot.
Tobias always kept a gun,
right here. Loaded.
Can l come in?