You know, he's smart, he's rich...
...he's witty, and everyone likes him.
And you don't.
Yeah, l knew kids like that.
Superstars of high school.
Five years from now,
nobody will care who they are.
Well, Richard will always be cool.
His daddy's rich and l hate
to admit it, but he's actually smart.
He's lazy and didn't study,
but he got a 710 on that bio SAT.
-lt kind of spun me out.
-Spinning out, huh?
You seem to know him well.
You can tell by his behavior in class.
Cassie, where have you been?
Sam I.D.'d the suspect.
-Who is it?
-Ask Sam. He's in charge of the case.
S.I.D. is over there now
collecting evidence.
-Hi, Cass.
Look at this, sir.
-Could be a match.
-Log that.
l want samples of fabrics, soils,
any molds, plants in here and outside.
John's found a stash
of marijuana buds.
-You mind if we smoke up while we work?
-Yes, l do.
-So who is he?
-Raymond Lee Feathers.
He's a janitor at Jefferson.
l compiled a list of everyone
who might have stolen Richard's boots.
Then l cross-indexed that against
carpet purchases and up came this.
Apparently he sold grass
to the kids at school.
-Good work.
-Thank you.
Where is he?
l don't know. Seems like he took off.