My Big Fat Greek Wedding

Mum, he's gonna figure it all out.
-You don't know what to do.

You talk,
Tell me what to say but...
Don't tell me what to say.
So how is business?
Business is bad.
What happened?
You need money?
What she mean is with the
businesses she suffered.

She suffered, she has to be
at the travel agency.

Alone all day
Because everybody else have
to be at the big cleaning store.

That's right. I make my husband go
to the tacky cleaning store.

And now I have no time with him.
So...San Antiona or Nicky
to travel agency you'll be with
Tacky at the dry cleaner.

That would be good.
No good.
No good.
Because neither San Antiona or Nicky
know how to use the computer

That's why is not work.
I safe your answer.
Toula go to travel agency
and your Nicky work for us.
I can't believe this.
You're so smart.
Thanks for holding.
Okay, your first confirm seat is now
P.N.R. Hold again please

Hi British Airway.
I'm going to be a hard ticker
