My Little Eye

Then, the letter said that daqui the two
days, the o grandfather of it goes to have its funeral.

- Funeral? - Yes.
Then, obviously, it goes to want to go
even so and to break the rules.

we cannot stop it if it will want to go.
We go to have that to convince it that
its interest is better to be here, certain?

Better interest of it?
We nor know if this letter is real or
not, certain?

Yes and they are pies, want to say, what
it is this? Bricks instead of food?

do not find that this is part of the
game of them?

Jesus Christ!
You could construct a more frightful

is fodendo with people, certain, wants
to say...

... first one, in does not order food to
them. Now this.

do not find that it can be part of the
game? Dany goes to want to leave,
they wants in separating them.

- Ah, we go. - Not, I thought on this. It thinks well on this.
We are to this distance to gain 1
million of dollar. We are to this distance.

They does not want in paying them, does
not want that we arrive there.

Or they wants to apimentar a
little for the viewers.

perhaps Or grandfather of it are

Emma, if the grandfather of it is
deceased, feels very, does not have nothing that can make.

grandfather of it practically
created. You do not have no feeling?

Oh, stop with this excrement. I am here
for the money, ok?

and you also.
Expresse this as it will want,
exposition, censorship, to find itself same...

... I do not know, but the only person
who is not here for the money...

... are probably who need more, but not,
Dany is here for making friends.

Ok, excellent, we go to be friends of
the face. We go to give it some aid.

great period of practical aid.
We cannot hold the face against the

Ok, we go to say it that we do not have
alternatives if it will be itself.

Emma, say it.
