Vamos there pra top.
They finds that they can foder now with
father of it, certain?
Veio to verify me here?
are not façade, face, I are not only
I wanted to import myself, I do not
import myself.
funny one are that they had brought
my proper mechanism.
Are felt.
give that book to Me.
Quer to be worried about somebody, are
worried about the Bundy...
... I do not know if I feel penalty of it
or if I feel fear of it.
Because they had chosen you, Matt.
Which is the skeletons of its closet?
Good, I would have to speak now?
Dar they the ammunition pra to shoot in
This were good. Yes, good.
But can wait that they already know.
Clearly, unless you it does not have
You only are sliced as white bread.